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Technology Beyond Tens


Enhance Muscle Function, Enhance Performance, Enhance Recovery...and Relieve Pain






Experience long-lasting pain relief with NuroKor’s three clinically proven technologies.


Decrease downtime from injury by reducing disuse atrophy and improving muscle function with muscle stimulation.


Speed up your recovery process with muscle stimulation and microcurrent therapy modes.


Take your training to the next level by improving strength of muscle contraction and muscle recruitment.

How NuroKor Surpasses TENS Technology

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3 Clinically Proven Technologies

Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS) is designed to desensitize sensory nerves and alleviate pain.

NeuroMuscular Stimulation (NMS) elicits rhythmic muscle contractions to improve muscle function.

Microcurrent Stimulation (MCS) a sub-sensory stimulation designed to improve muscle repair, reduce pain and inflammation on a cellular level.

Scientifically Designed WaveForm

Each of the treatment programs have been optimized for comfort and effectiveness. Modulating waveforms improve muscle activation, and provide more comprehensive pain relief.

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Integrating PNS & NMS

NuroKor's DualWave technology combines the most advanced Periphernal Nerve (PNS) and Muscle Stimulation (NMS) into a single treatment mode.

Rehab, Strengthen, Recover, and Perform on One Device

Use NuroKor technology to:

  • Prevent disuse muscle atrophy from surgery or inactivity

  • Improve muscle function and strengthen muscle contraction in any muscle group, including the wrists and hands (using NuroKor KorGlov)

  • Reduce muscle tightness and spasms before or after activity

  • Increase local circulation in the muscle surrounding a painful joint for more comprehensive pain relief 

  • Reduce pain and inflammation from aches, sprains, strains and post-operative pain

User Friendly Accessories



KorShoe accessory pairs with all NuroKor devices. Used as a pair or individually to improve function and relieve pain of feet and lower limbs.

Reference Number: NKKSHO



The adjustable KorBand is designed to work with your NuroKor MiTouch. Ideal for back pain and muscle symptoms.

Reference Number: NKKBA



KorGlove accessory pairs with all NuroKor devices. Used as a pair or individually to improve function and relieve pain of wrist and hands.

Reference Number: NKKGL

Choose Which NuroKor
Device is Right For You

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Mediliev features KorOS2 DualWave technology, combining the latest advances in PNS and NMS. 

Reference Number: NKMLKOS2

*By prescription or for VA Hospitals only.



A modern touchscreen therapy device combining the latest advances in PNS and NMS. Featuring 5 different modes with 17 treatment options including our unique pain+ mode.

Reference Number: NKMTKOS5



A portable therapy device featuring KorOS2 DualWave technology, combining the latest advances in PNS and NMS. 3/6 options are unique combinations of pain and muscle therapy.

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